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Cost Estimating Process

2. Estimating during Project Management Services

    A. Process 

The project budget will be monitored throughout the design phase by establishing construction cost estimates at each of the design phases:  Program Phase, Schematic Design(SD) Phase, Design Development(DD) Phase and the 95% Construction Document(CD) Phase.

Each cost estimate will be highly detailed and thorough, incorporating historical cost information from similar facilities. 

NOTE: Please see Owners Rep / Project Manager / Project Engineer Services


    B. Value Engineering and Life-Cycle Costs: 


Value engineering options and life-cycle costing will be utilized continuously throughout all design phases to ensure the greatest return on the owner's investment while staying within the project budget.

     C. Add / Deduct and Bid Alternates:   

Where appropriate, Add / Deduct and Bid alternates will be incorporated to provide greater flexibility in meeting the project budget.